The IoT network revolution

A revolutionary technology to connect objects around the world.

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Sigfox 0G technology

The Sigfox 0G technology empowers the global 0G Network that connects over 12 million devices worldwide. Its provides all sorts of benefits, which is why Beepings uses this technology to offer its users innovative and safe solutions.

The Sigfox network is based on UNB (Ultra Narrow Band) low-frequency and energy-efficient radio communication. The network is bidirectional, which means that objects connected to this network can send and receive very small messages at a much lower cost than the traditional GSM.

Sigfox is a low-energy network because its technology is part of the LPWAN category: Low Power Long Distance Wireless Networks. In other words, the objects connected to the Sigfox network don’t need much energy to send and receive messages.

Sigfox ensures the reliability of data communicated and the security of exchanges between connected objects. This means we cannot decrypt the messages transmitted between different products and there is zero risk of interference.

Sigfox coverage

To fully enjoy the features of Beepings solutions, make sure the network covers the area where you will be using the ZEN L by Beepings tracker.

Covered countries*

Countries soon to be covered

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